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9. november 2022 - 09:00-14:30

Microsoft Azure Immersion Workshop: Hybrid Cloud Solutions

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Online event

Workshoppen er afholdt. Se vores andre arrangementer.

Få et omfattende overblik over, hvordan du inkorporerer cloud-baseret innovation i traditionel on-premise infrastruktur med Microsoft Azure til dette hands-on online event med Microsoft og Devoteam M Cloud.

Du vil bl.a. høre om, hvordan du kan håndtere de skiftende forretningsbehov med cloud-innovation, uden at ændre din konfiguration fuldstændigt.

Workshoppen hostes af Microsoft og gennemføres af Mustafa Toroman fra Devoteam M Cloud, der – udover at være Microsoft Valued Professional (MVP) og Cloud Solution Architect – også har skrevet flere bøger om forskellige teknologiområder i Azure og i den grad er en erfaren og respekteret profil i “Azure-land”.

Det får du ud af at deltage:

  • Azure Hybrid Overview
  • Azure Arc-enabled servers
  • Hands-on LAB – getting started with Azure Arc
  • Use case: Azure Arc-enabled data servers
  • Hands-on Lab: Azure data services anywhere
  • Use case: When to use Azure Stack HCI
  • Hands-on Lab: Deploy Azure Stack HCI
  • Closing and next steps

Workshoppen er tiltænkt IT-professionals, developers, database administrators og data engineers.


Mustafa Toroman

Cloud Solutions Architect, Devoteam M Cloud

Mustafa is a solution architect focused on cloud-native applications and migrating existing systems to the cloud. He is very interested in DevOps processes and cybersecurity, and he is also an Infrastructure as Code enthusiast. Mustafa often speaks at international conferences about cloud technologies. He has been an MVP for Microsoft Azure since 2016, a C# Corner MVP and DevOps Institute ambassador since 2020. Mustafa has also authored several books about Microsoft Azure and cloud computing.

9. november 2022 - 09:00-14:30

Microsoft Azure Immersion Workshop: Hybrid Cloud Solutions